Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Tiny Cow

Our neighbor came by to bring us some very appreciated fresh ground beef today.  He had taken one of his cows to slaughter, and had more than he could fit in the freezer.  Not only did we get lucky enough to have some awesome, local beef... but the girls and I jumped in the truck and went for a little field trip!  We saw the baby calves, nursing.  We drove around the pasture, checking out the cows and Longhorn steers, horses, and donkeys!  The girls rode through the tall grass, their heads hanging out the window like golden retrievers.  It was great!

That afternoon, Olive came to me, holding some invisible thing between her chubby fingers.

She asked me, "Do you see?!" 
"What is it?!" I asked, excitedly.
"It's a tiny cow!  It's black and white, and soooo cuuuuute!"

She then proceeded to wrap the tiny, invisible cow into a carefully folded wipe, patting it to sleep.  This was repeated over and over for the next hour.  Daddy even came home just in time for the cow to wake up, get unwrapped, and presented to him.  I didn't catch a good glimpse of him, but it sounds like he was "soooo cuuuute"!

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