It's that time of year again!
We spent the weekend down on Minter's Farm for Inman Farm Heritage Days weekend. Having your own personal shuttle that picks you up right outside your door and delivers you to BBQ and boiled peanuts is just plain AWESOME. This year, we had a booth set up for the homeschool class.
We had an agriculture exhibit for our program, displaying what the students have been working on in class. We took farm animal donations from our amazing farm friends, and raffled them to go toward our field trip fund! My main concern through all this was that I not be stuck with all of the donated animals. I had no idea how well something like this would work, but I figured that it would be a lot of fun... and that my agriculture class would be able to show off all that they have learned so far. Much to my surprise and delight, everything raffled off on the first day! Now I know... animals are a HIT! The class made $185 toward the spring field trip, and we had a fabulous (albeit exhausting) weekend!
Addison particularly loved selling the tickets. He took up money, made change, and explained the raffle to the guests. It was definitely his cup of tea! Asa, as well as some of his classmates, did an awesome job explaining the act of disbudding to those who asked if the baby goats' horns were growing in. The kids jumped right in and explained that they were disbudded, and described how. They all really showed me that they DO pay attention in class!